FOSS Clubs

FOSS Club by FOSS United is an initiative to promote free and open-source culture and collaboration among students through events, workshops, and networking in college campuses.

FOSS Club Hero

Roles of the Lead

Build a FOSS Community
Host Events and Workshops
Build and Maintain Teams

Support from FOSS United

Expert Speakers

Provide experienced speakers for lectures and workshops.

Educational Resources

Supply educational material and resources to facilitate learning.

Funding Support

Offer financial aid of up to ₹ 50,000 per club / year to organize events.


Provide access to mentors for guidance and assistance in projects.

Criteria for a Lead


Must have at least one academic year remaining before graduation.

Enrollment Status

Must be a full-time student in an undergraduate or graduate program.

Program Commitment

Expected to commit to the program for one year, subject to evaluation after the first three months.


Previous experience in planning events and leading a team is highly desirable.

Quality FOSS Contributions

Should have made some valuable contributions to free and open-source projects.

Passion for Impact

Keen interest in making a significant contribution to their campus through the FOSS club.

Lead's Commitment & Conduct

  • Non-Profit Adherence: Refrain from using the FOSS Club name for personal profit.
  • Partnership Encouragement: Collaborations with groups and companies for additional resources like speakers and venues are welcomed.
  • FOSS Promotion: Avoid promoting non-FOSS entities through the club platform.
  • Brand Alignment: Adhere to the brand guidelines as closely as possible.
  • Active Engagement: Maintain regular activity and consistent interaction with the community.
  • Open Communication: Be willing and available to communicate with the FOSS United Team as needed.

Responsibilities of the Lead

  • Event Organisation: Ideally, host an event monthly, totalling at least six events annually.
  • Team Building: Formulate a supportive core team to help with event organization and initiative execution.
  • Code Compliance: Strictly adhere to the FOSS Code of Conduct.