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Who Am I? A resource to help people learn about genders

"Male or Female" is what majority of people think when it comes to gender. But there are many many more genders - gender roles, gender identities, and gender expressions. As the humankind begins to understand gender bett


Gender is complicated and nobody understands it all. Our society is stuck in the ancient past of binary gender (male, female). Even when it comes to one's own gender, due to societal constraints, people often find themselves confused and scared. There's even a medical condition called gender dysphoria that some suffer from.

What if we made it easier for people to learn about genders? About gender roles, gender identities, gender expressions. About sexuality, attraction, and using the right pronouns.

There are a few ideas that I have, but very much open to other thoughts.

  1. An interactive getting started guide to understand the basic terms like "gender identity", and "gender role"
  2. An interactive explorer of genders which allow one to navigate and understand the differences between genders.
  3. A quiz.
  4. "Create your own gender" by changing various parameters. (Connect it with an existing name if exists. If not, allow them to create a name and share with others)
  5. Everything should be internationalized so that this can be localized into multiple Indian languages for the benefit of most people.

Communication Channel:


Akshay S Dinesh
Harshita Raj
Shruti Srivatsan

Repository has been created with a template obtained from the internet.

September 12, 2020

The team is finally coming together. With Harshita joining we now have someone who is interested in frontend. Harshita will setup the git repository now so that we can add it here.

If you like to do backend, we're still one person short.

September 12, 2020

Project created by Akshay S Dinesh

September 6, 2020