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Git self-profiler

Automatically generate profile README showing contributions of the user by the language used.


By running this project, a user can create a profile README file showing the languages (and frameworks) that he/she contributes most in. This will be displayed in the form of visualizations similar to GitHub's own profile illustrations (eg. timeline heatmap)

Avikalp Gupta
Sourabh Tiwari

We have hit a roadblock. The Github APIs which we were thinking of using for our projects do not support the operations we wanted to perform (or will hit the rate limit if we perform the API call as many times as it would take us to get all the data). Hence we are pivoting the project now. Starting the new project now. Instead of a MERN stack service, we are now just making a command-line tool which generates the required README file from .git code.

September 13, 2020

Decided that we will be using MERN stack for our project. Created the first commit with express installed. (although not in master yet)

September 12, 2020

Project created by Avikalp Gupta

September 11, 2020