
Posts filed under Interview

In conversation with Shivani Bhardwaj, Developer at Suricata IDS - Cover Image
In conversation with Shivani Bhardwaj, Developer at Suricata IDS

Read our interview with Shivani Bhardwaj. She currently works at The Open Information Security Foundation and contributes to Suricata IDS.

In conversation with Liyas Thomas, author of Hoppscotch - Cover Image
In conversation with Liyas Thomas, author of Hoppscotch

Read our interview with Liyas Thomas, author of Hoppscotch.

In conversation with Abhas Abhinav, a Free Software activist - Cover Image
In conversation with Abhas Abhinav, a Free Software activist


In Conversation with Anand B Pillai, Founder of BangPypers, one of India’s earliest programming language communities - Cover Image
In Conversation with Anand B Pillai, Founder of BangPypers, one of India’s earliest programming language communities

In this interview, Anand shared how he started one of India's earliest programming language communities

In conversation with Pranav Raj S, Author of Chatwoot - Cover Image
In conversation with Pranav Raj S, Author of Chatwoot

Chatwoot, started as proprietary software, reborn after two years being in a private repository when Pranav and his teammates decided to choose an open-source license.