
a real time collabarative code editor
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Real-Time Collaborative Code Editor with Terminal, Sign-In Options, and Task Manager


Our innovative real-time collaborative code editor is designed to enhance productivity and teamwork among developers. This platform offers a seamless coding experience with integrated features such as a collaborative code editor, a powerful terminal, user authentication, and a task manager. The goal is to create an environment where teams can work together efficiently, manage tasks, and execute code in real time.

Key Features

  1. Real-Time Collaborative Code Editor:

    • Live Collaboration: Multiple users can edit code simultaneously with changes reflected in real time. This ensures that team members are always on the same page.

    • Syntax Highlighting: Supports multiple programming languages with syntax highlighting, making code easy to read and write.

    • Code Formatting: Auto-formatting and linting tools to maintain code quality and consistency.

    • Language Access : Accessible for multople languages

    • Version Control: Integrated version control to track changes, revert to previous versions, and manage code branches.

  2. Integrated Terminal:

    • Full Terminal Access: Provides a fully functional terminal within the editor, allowing users to run commands, scripts, and programs directly.

    • Command History: Saves command history for quick access to previously executed commands.

  3. User Authentication:

    • Sign-In Options: Supports multiple sign-in methods, including email/password, OAuth (Google, GitHub, etc.), and Single Sign-On (SSO) for enterprise users.

  4. Task Manager:

    • Task Assignment: Create, assign, and track tasks for team members. Each task can have a title, description, due date, and assigned members.

    • Progress Tracking: Visual indicators for task status (To Do, In Progress, Completed) to monitor progress easily.

Technology Stack

Technology Stack

  1. Frontend:

    • Next.js: For building the user interface with server-side rendering and static site generation.

    • React.js: For creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

    • Redux (or React Context API): For state management, ensuring consistent data flow across the application.

    • WebSockets ( For real-time communication between users.

  2. Backend:

    • Node.js: For the server-side logic and handling requests.

    • Express.js: For building the RESTful API and managing routes.

    • MongoDB: For storing user data, code files, and tasks.

    • Mongoose: For object data modeling (ODM) with MongoDB.

  3. Real-Time Collaboration:

    • For enabling real-time bidirectional communication between the server and clients.

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Ritika Jain
Ritika Jain