October 2024

FOSS United Monthly

 · 3 min read

Hello FOSS Enthusiast!
Welcome to our monthly newsletter from FOSS United! Your journey into the vibrant world of Free and Open Source Software begins here!
We're excited to bring you the freshest updates, news, exciting projects, policy tweaks, and the buzz around our ongoing initiatives.

Highlights from FOSS United:

Wondering what's happening in FOSS United? Here are a few updates from our side:

  • FOSS United events calendar
    The FOSS United events calendar is your go-to resource for upcoming events in the FOSS United community. Stay informed about meetups, community partner events, sponsored events, and conferences happening around you!
    Check the calendar here

  • Governance at FOSS United
    Over the past three months, the FOSS United Foundation Foundation has been actively looking into handing over Governance of the Community to the Community itself e.g. by setting up a Governance Board that can be elected by the members of the Community, which can then make decisions about what is best for the Community. These discussions are happening on the forum.

    Towards this goal, we will have Governance open mic where we invite members of the Community to join us e.g. to ask us any questions they have regarding the process, provide advice regarding the process, etc. If you have the time, please consider joining one of the open mic over the coming months. The next open mic is happening on Wednesday from 7-8 PM and is also listed on the events calendar.

  • FOSS United and FOSS
    We’re starting a conversation about increasing FOSS usage within FOSS United and the community. There's growing interest in shifting to fully open-source alternatives and expanding self-hosted FOSS tools. Join the discussion on the forum.

  • IndiaFOSS 2024 Album Relive the best moments of IndiaFOSS 2024! Check out the official event album filled with highlights, behind-the-scenes moments, and inspiring talks. View the album here.

  • IndiaFOSS 2024 Feedback
    Your feedback is essential to help us improve upcoming events. Please share your thoughts on your experience during the IndiaFOSS 2024 conference on our Forum Thread or via the Feedback Form.

  • CityFOSS India Tour
    We're taking FOSS on the road! The CityFOSS India Tour brings local FOSS communities together in cities across the country. Stay tuned for tour dates and locations!
    Read more about the tour.

Upcoming FOSS Events:

To view other upcoming and past FOSS events, visit the FOSS Events Timeline.

From the Telegram Corner:

  • OpenSCAD: The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller.
  • ImplicitCAD: Powerful, Open-Source, Programmatic CAD.
  • GO Gaby: Gaby is an experimental bot that runs in the Go issue tracker to help automate tasks.
  • Dungbeetle: A distributed job server built specifically for queuing and executing heavy SQL read jobs asynchronously. Separate out reporting layer from apps. MySQL, Postgres, ClickHouse.
  • OsmAnd: OsmAnd is open-source navigation app and has particularly strong privacy policies.


We hope you found this month's updates insightful and exciting. Your active participation and feedback are what make our community thrive. If you have any questions, suggestions, or need further information, feel free to reach out to us at foundation@fossunited.org.

We invite you to join our Telegram group. It's a fantastic way to stay connected with the FOSS United community and be the first to know about our latest initiatives.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Let's keep fostering innovation and collaboration in the FOSS world.

"May the FOSS be with you"

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