Unlocking Creativity: Opensource For Design

Dwitypriya Pal
Proposal Details
About Speaker
Proposal Reviews
Talk Description

Here are a few things I would like to talk on and open a discussion about amongst audiences

  • An Introduction to Open Source (Design Centric)

  • Why? is Open Source your ticket out of exploitation (As a Designer)

  • Myths vs. facts of Open Source

  • Contributions, Success/ Failure stories in the Open Source space

  • What ‘I’ am trying to achieve by all this?
About the Speaker
View Profile

Hey there strangers! I a Dwity, 24, an angsty female from Kolkata, who stumbled upon opensource and realised that its so DevCentric.

I am a Designer and I want more designers to come and find what i did here, community. It is my hope that with time, I will be able to give designers and fellow artists a community and more collaborative space, because, a solo designer, is a dead designer.

Reviews Overview
0 People Approved this Proposal
2 People Rejected this Proposal
0 People Marked Unsure
Approvability of proposal
Very generic talk (even if it's for Design) + low effort proposal.
Reviewer #1 Rejected 2 weeks ago
Reviewer #2 Rejected 2 weeks ago