Cockpit: the better way to manage your server

Advaith Madhukar
Proposal Details
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Talk Description

Cockpit is a web administration tool that was created by redhat. Today with many distributions picking it up it is available on Debian, arch, fedora,rhel, SLE micro, opensuse Tumbleweed and micro. Join me as I talk about what is cockpit how you can use it and how you can develop plugins for it

About the Speaker
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I'm 21 work at suse as a software engineer, I've been a passionate free software developer since I was 16. I am a big fan of rust, python and typescript. I say no to go

Reviews Overview
0 People Approved this Proposal
2 People Rejected this Proposal
0 People Marked Unsure
Approvability of proposal
Seems like a demo + the details are very less. No reference link too.
Reviewer #1 Rejected 1 week ago
Reviewer #2 Rejected 1 week ago