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Oplus is a virtual AI voice is a program that recognises natural language voice commands and does activities on the user's behalf.

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Have you ever thought about having your own personal AI assistant? Consider how much easier it would be to send emails without typing a single word, to do Wikipedia searches without opening a browser, and to carry out a variety of other daily operations such as playing music with just a single voice command. And now we offer you with Oplus, a Python-based virtual assistant.

Oplus is a program that recognises natural language voice commands and does activities on the user's behalf.

MAIN FEATURES: It can play music for you and send emails on your behalf. It can do the Wikipedia searches on your behalf. It has the ability to open websites such as google, Youtube etc in a web browser.

USAGE: Give your voice command to the programme. The programme will carry out your instructions and deploy the task given.

INSTALLATION: We use Pycharm IDE. Modules installed : • Pyttsx3 • speechRecognition • Wikipedia • Pipwin • Pyaudio • Datetime

Varadha VR

This project was done by: Varadha VR Anu Fasmin AH Abhin S Krishna

November 14, 2021

This project was done by: Varadha VR Anu Fasmin AH Abhin S Krishna

November 14, 2021

Project created by Varadha VR

November 14, 2021